4 books I bought this month (November) 30 nov Geschreven door Bastiaan Woudt Some great new additions. Lovely to enjoy during these quarantine times! Fluence - Takay Peter Beard Paolo Roversi - Poliform Dana Lixenberg - Imperial Courts Annie leibovitzhot mirrorviviane sassenat workby the river of kingsJacob are sobollotte ekkelphotobooksphotophotographyphotobooks tipPaolo roversidan alixenbergPeter beardfluencyfluence Bastiaan Woudt https://www.bastiaanwoudt.com
4 books I bought this month (November) 30 nov Geschreven door Bastiaan Woudt Some great new additions. Lovely to enjoy during these quarantine times! Fluence - Takay Peter Beard Paolo Roversi - Poliform Dana Lixenberg - Imperial Courts Annie leibovitzhot mirrorviviane sassenat workby the river of kingsJacob are sobollotte ekkelphotobooksphotophotographyphotobooks tipPaolo roversidan alixenbergPeter beardfluencyfluence Bastiaan Woudt https://www.bastiaanwoudt.com