Big News! Bildhalle as my Dutch gallery

I am proud to announce Bildhalle as my Dutch gallery and the opening of the solo exhibition "Rhythm" starting the 2nd of October at their new location: Willemsparkweg, Amsterdam

Bildhalle x Bastiaan Woudt

Since October 2019 Bildhalle has been representing me within the Swiss market. And with such success that we both believe that extending our collaboration to the Dutch market feels like an organic next step.

Coinciding with the grand opening of their second gallery space in Amsterdam on the 2nd of October, Bildhalle is proud to present: ‘Rhythm’, my new show! As the rhythm of everyday life was stripped away during the pandemic, I was determined to find it back creatively and visually. This has resulted in a series of 30 works, which were photographed in 2020 and 2021. The majority of the works from ‘Rhythm' have never been seen before!

‘Rhythm’ the exhibition is part of a bigger celebration, as earlier this month I launched a namesake book. ‘Rhythm’ the book is an assemblage of commissioned work and work from my private archive from the past decade. The book is a self-reflective document showcasing my creative evolution encapsulated within 504 pages.

Opening “Rhythm” Show at Bildhalle

Date: 2nd of October, 2021
Time: 17:00 Til 21:00*
Adres: Willemsparkweg 134, Amsterdam

Bildhalle Amsterdam Willemsparkweg - Bastiaan Woudt

About Bildhalle

Bildhalle was founded in 2013 by Mirjam and Andreas Cavegn and has become one of the most respected galleries for photography in Switzerland, acting within the long-standing Swiss tradition of photography and its distribution as an artistic medium. Bildhalle represents outstanding positions in the twentieth century and contemporary photography.

In 2020, Bildhalle opened a gallery space in Amsterdam. And now a year later, the gallery seals this bold leap with a second location in the Dutch capital, hence consolidating its strong relationships in the Dutch and European markets. The second location covers 150 square meters of gallery space in the heart of prestigious Amsterdam South and sets the stage for its first large exhibition: ‘Rhythm’ by Bastiaan Woudt.


Portraits Giel Beelen for Linda Magazine
