"Homage to Peter Lindbergh" - Fashion Series for Numero Magazine

This Summer, I shot this series for Numero Magazine where I worked with Numero Editor-in-chief Babeth Djian on this idea to do a “Homage to Peter Lindbergh”. Peter Lindbergh worked for Numero for many years before this death in 2019. I thought it would be a great idea to do a small homage to his work, with the images shot in the exact same place where many of his famous images were shot: the beach of Deauville

It was an honor to have worked there, with my feet in the same sand where one of the greatest photographers have ever walked

Styling: Rebecca Bleynie
Assistant: Grace Velicitat
Makeup: by Dariia Day
Model: Loane Normand
Model: Mirthe Dijk

Special thanks to Babeth Djian


Changing the name of my company


Interview by Fahey/Klein Gallery