My new company: 1605 Publishers


Its with great pride I present to you my new company: 1605 Publishers.

“1605 Publishers strives to be a platform for artists from all over society. Diversity is what makes art beautiful. Beginning and renowned artists, of all ages, orientation, colour and origin, show their vision through the most accessible form of art; books. 

We of 1605 publishers believe in only the highest quality books. From graphic design and printing to binding and distribution. Everything has to be right, and taken care of down to the last detail. That's why we work with the best printers and bookbinders and through the right distribution we want to give the work of our artists a worldwide platform. We strive to offer our publications only to the high end online and offline shops. These include specialized art book stores, concept stores and bookshops.”


My first solo exhibition in the UK "Hidden" now at Atlas Gallery


Interview Tinotenda